sylph performs fast metagenomic profiling via sketching. |
skani computes average nucleotide identity for metagenomics. |
SlowMoMan allows discovery and visualization of paths in low-dimensional embeddings. |
flopp is a fast polyploid haplotype phaser for long reads. |
HyperMinHash is a compression of MinHash sketches in double logarithmic space. |
Carnelian is a pipeline for alignment-free functional binning and abundance estimation using metagenomic reads. |
OPAL is a metagenomic NGS read classifier, based on SVMs and spaced seeds. |
CORA accelerates NGS read mapping. |
LAVA is an NGS-based computational SNP array. |
esFragBag accelerates protein similarity search (FragBag). |
MICA accelerates metagenomic search (BLASTX and DIAMOND). |
Ammolite accelerates small-molecule search. |
Quartz is a lossy-quality NGS quality score compressor. |